These are the attributes used by the Get audio settings endpoint and the Set audio settings endpoint.

Audio settings attribute nameTypeValuesDescription
microphoneMutebooleantrue, falseTrue for mute or false for unmute on the device microphone.
microphonePickupStatestringMono, StereoConfigure the microphone system to be Mono input or Stereo input.
microphoneGaininteger-6 to +12The microphone volume gain setting adjusts the volume of the processed microphone signal that is sent from the Nureva system to the connected meeting room computer. -6 to +12
speakerBassLevelinteger0 to 100Sets the speakerBassLevel for the device.
speakerTrebleLevelinteger0 to 100Sets the speakerTrebleLevel for the device.
echoReductionLevelstringLow, Medium, or HighSelect a lower setting if remote users notice that voices in the room are cutting out. If remote users can hear their own voices echoing, select a higher setting.
noiseReductionLevelstringLow, Medium, or HighSelect a lower setting if remote users notice that voices in the room are cutting out. If remote users hear background noises such as HVAC systems or fans, select a higher setting.
auxiliaryOutputStatestringMicLevel, LineLevel, SpeakerOut, MixedSignal, or SpeakerRefSelect an auxiliary output mode for interoperability with other audio systems.
voiceAmplificationEnabledbooleantrue, falseEnable or disable Adaptive Voice Amplification.
voiceAmplificationLevelinteger0 to 40Adjust the Adaptive Voice Amplification Level.
voiceAmplificationAuxInLevelstringMic or LineThe appropriate auxiliary level based on the wireless headset microphone manual.
dynamicBoostEnabledbooleantrue, falseEnable or disable Dynamic Boost. Requires firmware >= v1.9
microphoneDuckingEnabledbooleantrue, falseEnable or disable Microphone Ducking. Requires Adaptive Voice Amplification to be active. Requires firmware >= v1.9