Request format

All requests made to the server (initiated by the client) will follow the format as detailed below:

  "request": string,
  "requestId": string,
  "clientId": string,
  "body": any | undefined

request: The path of the endpoint requested.

requestId: A value that a client should provide to associate a response back to the originating request. The value is echoed back in the response for a request where applicable. GUIDs work well for this purpose. The value is required, can’t consist only of whitespace and is limited to a maximum of 50 characters. This should be unique per request, so the correlation between request and response can be maintained.

clientId: An identifier for an integrating client. The value is echoed back in the response to a request where applicable. The value is required, can’t consist only of whitespace and is limited to a maximum of 50 characters. This should be unique per integration, but the same value can and should be used in each request made.

body: Any arguments necessary for the request will be included here.